Thursday, January 22, 2009

Dear President Obama (3)

The letter for this week HAS to be a letter to our new President. Here's the outline for my letter:
  • Congratulations. You won the election fair and square.
  • I pray for your safety.
  • I admire you as a leader. You are dedicated to social issues and you know how to build consensus. Please move some of those tax dollars to taking care of education, solve the health insurance dilemma, rebuild our infrastructure...all the things you highlighted in the campaign.
  • We love our country...just like most people love their country. Please continue to work for mutual respect throughout the world. Be strong but not arrogant.
  • After watching TV on Inauguration Day I am completely smitten with you and your family. I am excited that you and Michelle will be bringing some flair to the White House.
  • Finally, good luck on the smoking cessation.

This man has so much on his shoulders. Let him know that we, too, want good things for our country. Here's the address:
President Obama
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Washington, DC 20500

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